Uncover your inner athlete!

Every morning in Africa a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be eaten.. Each morning in Africa a lion awakes - it knows it must run faster than the slowest gazelle or it will starve.

No matter if you are the lion or the gazelle, when the sun comes up you had better be running!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Arm running

What is this bloke on about now you may be asking? I don’t run with my arms, I use my legs..

One of the things that I have found over the past couple of weeks is the value in using one’s arms when running any distances. I guess that I was more conscious of using my arms during my sprinting days when it was so imperative to have that kick and pump your arms as fast as you could until the end of the race.

I found that I was not doing that as much over the longer stuff just due to the fact that only in the last sort of km does one really start to put in the very hard yards. A friend recommended that I try and twice a week while doing my drills and stretching also involve using some 3kg dumbbells and using them to pump my arms back and forth in much the same fashion as I would if I were running. This has the effect of working the arms more, but also has the knock on effect of working well once you actually get back into the running on the road.

A simple little exercise that can make a difference and save the legs from a true pounding.

Try it- you just might like it.

Running together (and beating obesity) – Stride for stride on a life changing ride! – Sean Muller

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