So my Live below the Line challenge begins on Monday and I headed off to see what I could get for my AU$14 today. Many friends and colleagues had made suggestions, but now it was time to stand up and be counted - no more talk - time for action. I browsed up and down the aisles before placing each selection carefully in my basket. In total I failled though as the cash register said $14.05. This was due to a couple of fresh items that I got where I had to guess the weight as there was no scale to use. I will get around this by not eating the entire item this week.
My run this morning was a dress rehearsal for next week when I plan to run on empty if need be to see the reactions of the body. Some have said I am mad and my neighbour has also offered me food as she does not want me to starve next week - all very sweet, but I am in it now and no backing down. Below is photo of what I bought.
For those that can't see the photo, it is a loaf of white bread, a bag of lentils, a bag of pasta, 2 apples, a pumpkin, 1 liter milk, 1kg bag of oats, jar of peanut butter, large tin of tuna, 1kg of frozen mixed veggies and a jar of tomato paste.
Now maybe I do not need the milk so much and maybe the tomato paste could have gone and perhaps the peanut butter is not essential, but you know what I think I can make this stretch. 3 slices of bread per day and then mixing and matching the rest and I can't wait. It won't be gourmet, but then again I won't die either.
If you still want to sponsor me in my challenge then that would be really welcomed and if you just want to add this to twitter etc then please do so.
Running together - while eating off $14 a week - stride for stride on a life changing ride! -- Sean Muller
I've been reading about this on Coolrunning and was curious to see how you spent your $14, it was pretty much what I had in my mind while contemplating the same challenge. Although I am used to baking my own bread and making my own pasta so I was thinking of not buying the packet stuff and substituting 1Kg of plain flour (add water and you have chapattis or pasta). Anyway, all the best, this is a great cause and I wish you well, I'll read with interest.
Thanks EM for your support - very much appreciated. A female friend also had the same idea as you did, but then again I don't have a pasta making machine and am not skilled in that regard :-( Still I will soldier on. Thanks again for showing an interest and for reading my blog.