Uncover your inner athlete!

Every morning in Africa a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be eaten.. Each morning in Africa a lion awakes - it knows it must run faster than the slowest gazelle or it will starve.

No matter if you are the lion or the gazelle, when the sun comes up you had better be running!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Face it and overcome it!!

This morning I witnessed something that always seems to make me feel proud and happy. It is one of those simple moments in life that make it all worthwhile. Completing a 34KM run as part of my training plan, I encountered a group of runners completing a similar run and since we were all finishing in the same spot, I ran the last 2KM with them while chatting. At the end one of the ladies in their group burst into tears and could not stop crying over the fact that she had managed a 34KM run. She had never thought herself capable of such a distance and this mere fact took me back to two occurrences in my past.

The first of these was the fact that seven years ago I could not even manage to run 3KM without needing to stop and walk. Now 35KG lighter (a little more than that now since I seem to be losing abit more fat since adjusting my diet recently) and my life is completely different. I was that lady after completing my first marathon – granted I did not cry, but it was a moment of incredible achievement. A fear faced and conquered.

The second event that came to mind was a business breakfast that I attended while working in event management to pay my way through university. The guest speaker was addressing the audience of high ranking corporates in their late 40s and early 50s when she asked who in the room could sing. Only 2 people out of about 100 raised their hands. She then commented on the fact that if we were to ask a group of five year old children who could sing, the entire group would raise their hands. You see they have not been indoctrinated by society yet as to what is an acceptable (or good) way to sing. Fact remains that we can all sing if needed, we have just been told by society that we are either good, bad or whatever the case may be.

Running is exactly the same as the example I used above, we can all run if we try. That is what frustrates me so much about society – people saying ‘I wish I could run, but I can’t’. My standard reply to these folks is that if a madman came down the street with a gun wanting to shoot them, then I am pretty sure that only a fool would not try and run away.

We can all do so many more things than we think we are capable of if only we are willing to try. Facing and overcoming fears makes life so much more interesting. Try doing something new everday or every week and life remains a challenge.

Running together (while overcoming fears) – Stride for stride on a life changing ride! – Sean Muller

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