Uncover your inner athlete!

Every morning in Africa a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be eaten.. Each morning in Africa a lion awakes - it knows it must run faster than the slowest gazelle or it will starve.

No matter if you are the lion or the gazelle, when the sun comes up you had better be running!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

What is your Thursday morning?

Thursday morning is a special time of the week for me. It signals the start of only two days to go until the weekend, it is also the time that I choose to run what is becoming one of my stock weekly runs of 3 x 6KM at marathon race pace – these are all great things, but most of all it is the time where a group of friends of mine comes together after running and gyming at a local coffee place where we enjoy a chat and some light breakfast.

This time is where positivity flows and we share parts of the day. It is great to have this time to not only exchange training and lifestyle ideas, but also to build and reinforce community amongst like minded people who are all passionate about the really good, healthy things in life. It is almost as though there is an unwritten rule of ‘leaving negativity at the door’.

Surely is how everyday should be in life. Good times and great vibes.

Running together (while building community and reducing negativity) – stride for stride on a life changing ride! – Sean Muller

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