The trappings of Easter are large and all around us.
Everywhere I go during the past week, people have been offering me chocolate eggs (big eggs and little eggs or variations of bunnies and hens and the like). These sweet temptations are all around us.
Luckily for me I don’t have a sweet tooth and hence the chocolate does not tempt me, but I must admit that I do have a little penchant for the odd hot cross bun. I really have to balance eating these with an increase in my training to counteract weight gains.
One thing I find increasingly intriguing is how people can consume some of the large quantities of chocolate eggs that there are out there. For example I saw a bloke buying a 5KG Lindt bunny yesterday at the supermarket and carrying it out. Now clearly he was thinking that that bunny was going to win him some serious brownie points, but I stagger to think that one person would be able to consume such a thing over the Easter break. Imagine the caloric intake and what you would have to do to burn that off. The mind boggles really.
Do the chocolate manufacturers have something to answer for in our battle of obesity? Sure they are out there to make a profit, but a 5KG piece of chocolate is just ludicrous really.
While there is nothing wrong with celebrating or observing the festival of Easter, it does seem that like Xmas it is an excuse for some to overindulge to the point of making themselves ill.
Running together (while moderating intake of Easter eggs) – stride for stride on a life changing ride!—Sean Muller
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