Uncover your inner athlete!

Every morning in Africa a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be eaten.. Each morning in Africa a lion awakes - it knows it must run faster than the slowest gazelle or it will starve.

No matter if you are the lion or the gazelle, when the sun comes up you had better be running!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

The purest and rawest form of relationships

It’s always interesting to observe how quickly one reaches a comfort level when in the company of other people so that although manners and respect are upheld, some airs and graces are cast aside when natural bodily functions take place.

When we compete in sport, we are often reduced to our barbarian self. The primitive beast inside of us comes out and as a friend said to me ‘we look our worst while achieving our best’.  Natural instinct takes over and we find ourselves blowing noses on shirts, burping, farting and even throwing up if an event becomes too hard. This is all natural stuff really, but stuff that we naturally try and hide from friends and partners.

In this state there is no place to hide. There is no dim light, no makeup, no alcohol or beer goggles. Just the raw honest truth. It is so true that if you can’t love someone in their exercise gear then you will never love them as you will have seen them at some of their worst, but then again also at their most beautiful as there is nothing better than an active body.

My massage therapist earlier this year told me that she thought it was great if my stomach gurgled as that apparently in Chinese medicine means that the body is releasing bad vibes and letting good vibes in. This lady in fact encourages me to let things out and not hold back. Weird initially, I’m now very comfortable to do this in her presence even though she is 55 and slightly eccentric, we have gone past that point of embarrassment. 

I was out running with an awesome friend this morning who commented that we had gone past that point of being embarrassed about passing wind or discussing things like bathroom behaviour and that this is often a great place to find oneself in. In this state you can be really honest about things. Things get reduced to the rawest sense and you see past all the plastic and pretense that usually gets put on.

Running together (while loving those relationships based around simplified rawness), stride for stride on a life changing ride! – Sean Muller

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