This week I read an absolutely great feel good story about marathon great Rob de Castella taking a group of young promising Aboriginal guys off to run the New York marathon. A better mentor these guys could not have asked for to prepare them for their first marathons.
The four young men from the Northern Territory all completed the event successfully and can now go back to their communities and act as positive role models for healthy living.
I believe that there is no reason that Australia can’t produce an Aboriginal marathon runner of note in the coming years. The Aboriginal people have always had a history of being able to run and walk long distances just as other tribes in Africa and South America have.
Those that wish to read more can do so by clicking here.
My own personal opinion on this is that it would so great to be able to have various other community and business leaders following suit to set an example for many others in the community.
Go forth and motivate those in positions of power to achieve more than they thought they could. This flow on effect is infectious. As a wise man pointed out to me this last Friday, surround yourself with good people who set a good example and you will pretty soon start to take on some of those behaviours. Surround yourself with those not setting a good example and watch things slide.
Running together – stride for stride on a life changing ride! – Sean Muller
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