Uncover your inner athlete!

Every morning in Africa a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be eaten.. Each morning in Africa a lion awakes - it knows it must run faster than the slowest gazelle or it will starve.

No matter if you are the lion or the gazelle, when the sun comes up you had better be running!

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Further readings this week have taken me to the concept of hope and what it does for mankind, but also for sportspeople in general.

A very interesting quote that I read was that if you provide people with hope then they are prepared to fight. It struck me that this is what we are trying to do through this forum. We are cutting through all the BS about exercise and running and showing that there is indeed another way of living that does revolve around being lazy and unhealthy.

Anyone having read ‘Born to Run’ and other publications will know that we as humans are only one of three animals that have the genetic makeup for long distance running – the others being horses and dogs. How much more proof does one need that we were put on this earth to run and not to sit on our bums watching television.

If you are like I was several years ago, unhealthy, overweight and unhappy, there does exist hope that you can turn your life around. There are countless running groups out there throughout the globe and they cater for all levels of fitness and ability.

I guarantee you will be made to feel welcome and that once you get fitter and fitter, things will become easier, your attitude will change and you won’t want to go back to the life that you had before.

Step up off that couch and out the door right now – Stride for stride on a life changing ride. – Sean Muller

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