Uncover your inner athlete!

Every morning in Africa a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be eaten.. Each morning in Africa a lion awakes - it knows it must run faster than the slowest gazelle or it will starve.

No matter if you are the lion or the gazelle, when the sun comes up you had better be running!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Eating like our ancestors

As I wrote earlier last month, I have been experimenting more than usual with a couple of different eating plans of late (I hate the word diet) to see what each may do to me and my abilities to perform.

Firstly let me say that recent fads such as ‘the Lemon detox diet’ and Atkins are rubbish in that they may produce short term gains through shocking the body into change, but long term those that try them will find that they get cranky and will more often than not put on more weight than what they lost in the first place. This is due to the fact that the body becomes deficient of key elements that it needs to sustain itself.

The two eating plans that I have been following most over the past two weeks are the ‘Paleo or Caveman eating plan’ and ‘The no meat athlete eating plan’.

Quite simply the Caveman eating plan places emphasis on only consuming what was around during Neolithic man’s time and nothing else. This makes complete sense as our digestive system and body was not designed to consume, absorb and break down all these artificial substances, trans fats and junk foods that we as inhabitants of the western world have created mainly in the last 100 years.

The No meat athlete plan follows a similar ethos, but advocates cutting out meat altogether while still being able to consume alcohol, bread, pasta and sweets.

I have cobbled together my own version of the Paleo and highlight it below for anyone seeking to not only lose weight, but also to feel lighter and more energetic. Your body, skin and eyes will thank you guaranteed.

• Cut out all alcohol – caveman did not have access to these substances. This is also a no brainer if you want to improve your athletic performances.

• Extremely limited amounts of pasta and bread (and then only brown).

• Plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables (preferably organic).

• Lean meat like beef or chicken breasts (preferably organic) 3 times a week for dinner.

• Eliminate cheese, but allow for low fat milk and yoghurt to provide extra calcium.

• Substitute morning coffee for green tea. This will help you to feel cleansed and calm. Also consume green tea after a big meal as it will help to digest food and you will absorb less calories by doing this (handy if you seek to lose weight).

• Cut out soft drinks and drink plenty of water through the day. In addition I have one bottle of isikiate each day in the morning.

• Although caveman did not have access to these, I have also found that a multivitamin like Berocca drunk in the morning does wonders.

• Porridge oats permissible for breakfast or dinner (topped with chia and some fruit).

I realise that this may not be for everyone, but I guarantee that it is working for me and there is no reason that it can’t also work for you. If you try it for 2 weeks you will feel so great that you won’t even want to return to your old ways again.

For me it was best summed up that in order to attain great health and energy you must seek to eat like caveman or even better like a poor caveman. –Sean Muller

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